Wednesday, October 21, 2009

-Library Loot [2] 10/21/09

'Library Loot' is hosted by A Striped Armchair.

Just came home from the library! Yay :]

Click links for Goodreads summaries!

Had these on hold:

Legacy Of Lies (Dark Secrets)-Elizabeth Chandler
Breathless-Jessica Warman

And also picked up this on a whim:

 Uglies-Scott Westerfeld


Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I really should visit the library more. I have an addiction to blowing all my money on purchasing books. *sigh*

But anywho, I have every one of these on my TBR list,except for Legacy of Lies. I'll have to check that one out, it sounds good from the goodreads blurb =)