Still missing you guys, no telling when my computer will be fixed. I shall return with a huge IMM and of course plenty of reviews, + more than a few giveaways!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Review: The Pencil Test by James Guilford
My summary:
When Kendry Clare's drug-addicted mother Doris loses her job to her habit, she must move Kendry to East Atlanta--more than a few steps down from their life and home when Doris was at the peak of her career. But instead of disappointed, Kendry is excited to leave behind her non-existent social life at Crestman in hopes of being accepted at her new school; in hopes of getting in good with the girls she's seen on the train--the black girls.Willing to do almost anything to win the hearts of the black girls, Kendry tells a life-altering lie on her first day at school that weaves a web of falseness around her world and ultimately affects the lives of everyone around her..
The Pencil Test was definitely something different for me. It is a novel that is dark, but in it's own beautiful way and it struck up emotions, thoughts and interests in me that I've never gotten from any other book.
My initial reaction to Kendry was that I could not relate to her. While I can understand the human need to fit in and to belong somewhere, especially considering Kendry's history, her fascination with the black girls came off as too obsessive for me to relate to.
On another level however, I could see myself in her shoes: On her first day at PLD (her new school in East Atlanta) she is the only white girl in the classroom, and says she feels "blaringly white." Being in an interracial relationship myself, it was easy (when we first started dating--now I'm used to it and know everyone) for me feel like I stuck out like a sore thumb when surrounded by my boyfriend's family/friends, so therefore I definitely found myself relating to her on that note.
As the book went on, I began to dislike Kendry more and more, and by the end of the book I all-out despised her. She was extremely fake and I felt like the fact that she joined the black movement group was really disrespectful, considering her true race. I was hoping for her to get caught in her lie.
Despite hating the main character, I can't say I disliked the book itself. I love how race fit into the plot. The black rebels group and Rastafarian segments made the book unique, which is great, but also left me slightly lost due to my lack of knowledge on the subject...but at the same time it left me wanting to learn more about it. The Pencil Test sparked a new interest in me and I can honestly say that's not something I get from every book I read.
I give The Pencil Test 3.5 stars and would recommend it to those who like the more dark drama young adult novels.
See my interview with James here.
Author Q&A: James Guilford
James Guilford, author of The Pencil Test, contacted me about reviewing his new novel, The Pencil Test, and was kind enough to also agree to answer a few questions for Buried In Books.
You can also download the first 5 chapters of The Pencil Test here!
Me: So your first novel, The Pencil Test, was released in November. Do you see yourself writing more novels in the future, or do you prefer sticking to essays and articles?
James Guilford: I definitely have more novels planned. Currently, I'm working on a book that can be best described as Precious meets The House on Mango Street. I've been inspired by the fantasy movement to try my hand at something magical and futuristic. This type of book has been in my head for a while, actually. We'll see how it works out.
Me: What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit yourself to only the genre and topics that you write yourself?
Me: What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit yourself to only the genre and topics that you write yourself?
JG: Currently, I'm reading a lot more nonfiction. But I read fiction, mostly. Inside of fiction, I''m branching out to graphic novels and fantasy. I try to read little of every genre. Doing so improves my writing.
Me: That being said, what are you reading now?
JG: Right now, I have few books going. I'm reading Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood. It's a novel a futuristic novel--really bleak, but with a humorous elements. There's a whole bio-fusion movement that has resulted in the creation of different species, like lion-lamb crossbreeds. I'm also reading The Best American Essays 2008 and I've just picked up Michael Cunnighams' The Hours to re-read.
Me: It's so interesting that you seem to know so much about the Rastafarian movement-you include it in The Pencil Test and I see you've also written essays on it. Does your knowledge on the subject come from personal experience rather than research, or vice versa?
JG: Because I have dreadlocks (and amazing one's at that--lol), I also thought about becoming Rasti. Earlier in my life, I had adopted some of the Rastafarian beliefs (I was briefly "spiritual" and briefly "vegetarian"). So, some of my knowledge comes from experience. The bulk of what's in The Pencil Test, I'd say about ninety-five percent of the Rasta stuff, comes from research.
Me: What can we expect to see from you in the future?
JG: In the works next is a novella--about 120-pages. It's both humorous and sad. After this short work, I have a long fantasy-sci-fi novel that I'll tap off. I'd written the first chapter right before finishing The Pencil Test. I'm excited to get back to it. I'm always writing articles about school and education and parenting, because I was a teacher for 10 years.
Thank you so much James, for giving me a chance to read your book, and also for answering these questions for my readers! :]
See my review of The Pencil Test here.
See my review of The Pencil Test here.
My computer monitor is broken.
You won't believe the deals I got!
Paperbacks- these were only $1 each!!!!
Beautiful Americans
The Diamonds
Kissing Booth
My Big Nose & Other Natural Disasters
Second Skin

Hard covers-Only $3 each!!
Sea Change
Give Up The Ghost
The Espressologist
My Invented Life
ALL are BRAND NEW & I spent under $30!!!
I'm going crazy right now, lol :D
Saturday, November 28, 2009
In My Mailbox [2]
[I just noticed there's a sleeping baby behind my books! LOL]
Thanks to Kristi @ The Story Siren for hosting IMM every week :]
Fallen [ARC] by Lauren Kate from Nely @ All About {n} [She's great! Sent it SO fast]
From library:
Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody
Liar by Justine Larbalestier
The Afterlife by Gary Soto
For review:
The Real Real by Nicola Kraus + Emma Mclaughlin (Thank you ladies for sending these!) [1 for review, 1 signed for giveaway]
What did you get?!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Show me your TBR list and stack!

I love to find new books to add to my list & I'm sure I could find something from everyone's lists.
Also, if you're familiar with your local library's online catalog, link me to the YA section. This is how I find so many great books. Here's my library's.
So if you'd like, link me to your list/stack/or list them in a post.
Here's mine.
My current count: 179 books already released, and 31 upcoming releases.
Friday Finds [5] Lots of finds this week!
I think this is my favorite meme, I guess because I get so many of the books on my TBR list from other's such a great resource for finding new books.
[[ All links go to goodreads summaries ]]
The Crimson Thread (A Retelling of Rumpelstiltskin)-Suzanne Weyn ++ Oddest Of All (Short stories)-Bruce Coville
That being said, much props and thanks to Miz B at Should Be Reading for hosting it every week!
Surprisingly I had a lot of time to look for books this week. I found most of these just scanning through my local library's online catalog. I had so many finds...this isn't even half of them!
The Crimson Thread (A Retelling of Rumpelstiltskin)-Suzanne Weyn ++ Oddest Of All (Short stories)-Bruce Coville
Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty-Jody Gehrman ++ The Faerie Path (Faerie Path book 1)-Frewin Jones
The Secret Rites Of Social Butterflies-Lizabeth Zindel ++ Secrets Of My Suburban Life-Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Shadow Falls-Amy Kathleen Ryan ++ So Super Starry-Rose Wilkins
I hope you found something you like this week. Link me to your finds! I love them ♥
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Gobble gobble!
to all my blogger friends!
(and the rest of my wonderful family, too.)
Hope everyone has a fun filled day!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Teaser Tuesday [1] The Pencil Test
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Miz B @ Should Be Reading :]
Right now I'm reading The Pencil Test by James Guilford for review.
"...[O]fficials used a pencil test to classify some coloured people as black and others as white. Race classification was dependent on whether the pencil slid out of your hair (that made you white) or got stuck (which officially made you black)." --Nosimilo Ndlovu, "The 21st Century Pencil Test" Mail & Guardian, June 28, 2008
This quote makes The Pencil Test sound like a non-fiction book, but keep in mind this is just a quote used @ the beginning of the book to set the stage for the novel. It is a fiction novel.
FYI: You can download the first 5 chapters (it'll leave you wanting more!) of The Pencil Test here. Be sure to check back at my blog for my author interview with James and review!
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